Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Bayi Raksasa Indonesia

Lagi, Ada Bayi Raksasa Lahir Selamat

Rabu, 26 Agustus 2009 | 10:53 WIB

LAWANG, — Muhammad Sueb langsung lega begitu mengetahui bayinya telah lahir, Selasa (25/8) malam. Kegembiraan calon bapak ini membuncah seiring lengkingan tangis bayi laki-laki yang lahir lewat operasi caesar itu.

“Begitu saya dengar tangis bayi yang keras dari ruang operasi, saya langsung berucap syukur alhamdulillah. Anak ketiga saya selamat,” kata Sueb yang ditemui di Rumah Sakit Bersalin (RSB) Brawijaya, Lawang, Rabu.

Kegembiraan suami Titin (31) ini sebenarnya wajar dirasakan seorang calon bapak. Yang fantastis, bayi yang dilahirkan warga Dusun Turi RT 4 RW 2, Kelurahan Turi Rejo, Kecamatan Lawang, ini tergolong raksasa. Si bayi memiliki bobot 6,2 kilogram dengan panjang 52 sentimeter. Padahal, umumnya bobot bayi baru lahir 3-4 kilogram.

Sueb (31) yang bekerja di proyek pembangunan perumahan sebenarnya sudah menyadari anaknya akan lahir dengan tubuh jumbo. Ketika kandungan Titin berusia delapan bulan, hasil USG menyebutkan bayi yang dikandung istrinya itu sangat besar. Ketika itu, dokter memperkirakan bobot bayi laki-laki itu 5 kg.

Bukan kali pertama ini keluarga sederhana ini dikaruniai bayi berukuran besar. Sebelumnya, Ahmad, bayi pertama mereka yang lahir tahun 2000, meninggal sesaat setelah lahir dengan proses normal. Bayi kedua, Muhammad Ridho, yang lahir setahun kemudian dengan berat 4,8 kg lewat proses operasi itu juga meninggal dunia.

“Sempat terbayang bayinya akan besar seperti bayi kedua kami, tapi tidak sampai kebayang beratnya akan 6 kg lebih,” ujar Sueb sambil mengendong anak ketiganya yang diam anteng dalam gendongan.

Bayi yang belum diberikan nama itu memang terlihat paling menonjol di antara deretan bayi-bayi lainnya di ruang bayi RSB Brawijaya. Memakai baju bayi warna kuning ukuran satu tahun, boks tempat tidurnya terlihat sempit.

Sepanjang hari kemarin, bayi "mungil" pasangan Sueb-Titin ini menjadi primadona pengunjung dan ibu-ibu bayi lain. Mereka bergantian melihat bayi itu dari balik kaca saat perawat mengganti popok atau memberikan susu formula.

Sementara itu, Titin masih terbaring lemah dengan tangan kiri masih tertancap infus. Meski demikian, Titin masih bisa memberi senyum dan berkomentar pendek. “Semoga jadi anak yang berbakti dan berguna. (why)

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Barcelona tampil sebagai juara Liga Champions

Arya Perdhana - detiksport
Kamis, 28/05/2009 03:52 WIB

- Barcelona tampil sebagai juara Liga Champions dengan memukul Manchester United 2-0 di final. Gol-gol Samuel Eto'o dan Lionel Messi sukses menghantar Barca menuju tahta.

Di partai final yang dipanggungkan di Stadion Olimpico Roma, Kamis (28/5/2009) dinihari WIB, Barcelona sebenarnya sempat tertekan di awal pertandingan sebelum berbalik unggul kemudian.

Eto'o membawa pasukan Josep Guardiola unggul dengan gol yang ia cetak di menit kesembilan. Messi menambahkan keunggulan juara Spanyol itu dengan gol sundulannya di menit 70.

Jalannya pertandingan
Baru satu menit pertandingan berjalan, MU sudah langsung mengancam. Sebuah tendangan bebas Cristiano Ronaldo dari jarak 32 meter ditahan Victor Valdes, tetapi bola muntah gagal dimanfaatkan oleh Park Ji-sung.

Menit keenam, kembali ancaman datang untuk Valdes. Menguasai bola di luar kotak penalti, Ronaldo melepas tendangan deras yang arahnya masih melebar di kiri gawang Barca.

Dua menit sesudahnya, Ronaldo menguasai bola dengan dadanya di kotak penalti Barca. Sayap asal Portugal itu lalu mencoba menembak, tetapi arahnya tipis di kiri Valdes.

Saat terlihat tertekan, Barcelona justru sukses mencetak gol di serangan pertamanya ke gawang MU. Andres Iniesta mengirim umpan kepada Eto'o yang lalu sukses mengecoh bek MU dan dengan sekali tendang menjebol gawang Edwin van der Sar.

MU memperoleh sebuah tendangan bebas di muka kotak penalti Barca di menit 16. Namun eksekusi yang dilakukan oleh Ryan Giggs belum menemui sasaran karena melayang di atas mistar gawang.

Menit 19, sebuah umpan panjang menuju ke Park yang berakselerasi ke kotak penalti Barcelona. Valdes dengan sigap keluar dari sarangnya dan membuang bola ke luar lapangan.

Tak sampai semenit kemudian, Ronaldo mencoba melepaskan tembakan spekulasi. Namun tendangan kaki kiri CR7 lagi-lagi tipis menyamping di kiri gawang Valdes.

Barcelona yang perlahan mulai menguasai permainan juga mendapat kans di menit 26. Dari tendangan bebas semeter di luar kotak penalti, eksekusi Iniesta juga melambung tinggi.

Semenit sebelum pertandingan babak pertama usai, pertahanan MU dibuat panik oleh Lionel Messi. Umpan silang dari kiri Messi gagal ditangkap dengan lengket oleh Van Der Sar, tetapi Rio Ferdinand dengan baik menguasai bola dan mengamankan daerahnya.

Di babak kedua, MU mencoba memberi perlawanan, salah satunya dengan memasukkan Carlos Tevez untuk menggantikan Anderson. Seorang penyerang masuk untuk seorang gelandang.

Menit 48, lagi-lagi Barcelona mendapat peluang. Thierry Henry yang menguasai bola di sisi kiri kotak penalti mencoba melepas tendangan mendatar tetapi Van Der Sar dengan sigap menjinakkan bola.

Satu menit berikutnya, sebuah umpan terobosan dari Eto'o tak bisa dijangkau Messi. Penyerang mungil Argentina itu mengklaim berhak mendapat penalti, namun wasit menolaknya.

Barcelona gagal melaju 2-0 pada menit 53 akibat peran tiang gawang. Tendangan bebas Xavi sedikit di luar kotak penalti MU sudah melewati Van Der Sar, tetapi membentur tiang kiri dan gol gagal tercipta.

Pada menit 65, Barcelona terus mengeksploitasi kelemahan lini belakang MU. Henry kembali melepas tendangan dari sisi kiri kotak penalti MU dan lagi-lagi bola ditangkap Van Der Sar.

Menit 70, Barcelona memukulkan godamnya ke kepala 'Setan Merah' lewat gol Messi. Mendapat umpan silang dari Xavi, Messi yang tak terjaga dengan mudah menyundul bola ke gawang Van Der Sar untuk jadi gol kedua Barca.

Hanya semenit berselang, MU mencoba membalas dengan sebuah serangan sporadis. Namun tebalnya tembok pertahanan Barca membuat serangan The Red Devils yang digalang Ronaldo mentok.

Barcelona punya kans memperbesar kemenangan lagi di menit ke-73 ketika sundulan Carlos Puyol menyambut tendangan sudut berhasil dipeluk erat oleh Van Der Sar.

Meski sudah unggul 2-0, Barcelona tak mengendurkan serangan. Menit 79, Iniesta melepaskan tendangan keras, namun kesigapan Van Der Sar menangkap bola membuat ia kembali mengamankan gawangnya.

Masih tak cukup puas, Barca terus menggempur. Enam menit menjelang bubaran, umpan terobosan kepada Puyol yang overlap coba diselesaikan dengan tendangan tetapi Van Der Sar menahan si kulit bundar dengan tubuhnya dan menangkap bola liar.

Kans terakhir MU datang di menit 84. Dari satu tendangan sudut, Dimitar Berbatov mencoba menanduk bola tetapi arahnya masih melambung tinggi di atas mistar Valdes.

Setelah tiga menit waktu tambahan diberikan, akhirnya pertandingan disudahi oleh wasit Massimo Busacca dan resmi sudah Barcelona menjadi juara Liga Champions 2009. ( arp / roz )

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Dikasari, Istri Polisikan Suami

PONOROGO - Lagi, kekerasan lagi dalam rumah tangga. Kali ini, pasangan suami istri (pasutri) asal Balong, Ponorogo, terlibat bentrok fisik. Pihak istri lagi-lagi yang menjadi korban. Empat kali tangan sang suami mendarat telak ke bagian kepala istrinya. Pukulan itu beruntun mengena ke kepala, dagu, pelipis kiri dan bawah kelopak mata kiri.

Tatkala melapor ke Mapolres Ponorogo, kelopak mata Yat, 46, istri korban Kekerasan Dalam Rumah Tangga (KDRT) itu, tampak lebam membiru. Yat juga masih mengenakan seragam PNS-nya. Wajah sendu bercampur raut ketakutan tergambar jelas. Namun, Yat sudah bulat hati memerkarakan Bad, suaminya yang terpaut 10 tahun lebih muda darinya.

Informasi yang berhasil dihimpun, aksi kekerasan itu terjadi Minggu (19/4) petang sekitar pukul 17.00. Yat dan Bad awalnya sebatas bersitegang lewat mulut. Bad menyoal kebiasaan istrinya yang kerap menggunjing ke orang lain tentang rahasia rumah tangga. Pertengkaran akhirnya juga merembet ke tabiat Yat yang sering kasar ke anak-anaknya. Pasutri Bad dan Yat ini sudah dikarunai empat anak.

Tak hanya bertengkar dengan kata-kata, tangan Bad akhirnya melayang empat kali. Yat yang kalah tenaga tak kuasa melawan hingga mampu menangis. Belakangan, dia memutuskan melapor ke Polres Ponorogo terkait tindakan semena-mena suaminya.

Kapolres Ponorogo AKBP Etik Margawati melalui Kasat Reskrim AKP Suhono membenarkan masuknya laporan itu. Hanya, Suhono membedakan KDRT di Balong dengan kasus serupa yang terjadi di Jalan Sekar Gayam, Kelurahan Tonatan, sepekan sebelumnya. Menilik ringannya luka yang diderita Yat, si suami tidak bisa ditahan. ''Juga termasuk delik aduan sehingga pengaduannya bisa dicabut sewaktu-waktu,'' terang Suhono, kemarin (27/4).

Sementara itu, Jem, 43, warga Jalan Sekar Gayam, yang tega menganiaya istrinya dengan kursi lebih dahulu masuk sel. Suami bengis ini ternyata tak sekali dua main pukul ke Wat. Setiap kali bertengkar, tendangan dan pukulan lelaki kekar itu kerap mendarat ke tubuh perempuan yang telah memberinya dua anak. Para suami yang ringan tangan selama ini terancam terapan UU 23/2004 tentang KDRT. (hw/sad)

Sumber : jawapos

Friday, April 17, 2009


Ketika seorang guru ditanya evolusi jiwa manusia ratusan tahun terakhir, dengan diam sebentar, menatap mata lalu menjawab, "dari gelap ke gelap". Dari ketidakpuasan satu ke ketidakpuasan lain. Dari konflik satu ke konflik lain.

Melihat kehidupan bergerak begini, sejumlah orang desa yang polos bertanya, mengapa kemajuan iptek harus seperti ini? Maafkanlah keluguan. Andaikan keluguan ini dijawab dengan data, angka, logika, mungkin sinyalemen "dari gelap ke gelap" akan tambah panjang. Angka dilawan angka. Logika mengundang serangan balik logika.

Karena demikian keadaannya, izinkan sekali-sekali bukan angka, bukan logika yang bicara, tetapi sepi sunyi. Tidak dalam posisi menyebut sepi benar, yang berbeda salah. Sekali lagi tidak. Serupa dengan mulut manusia, gigi wujudnya keras karena tugasnya memotong dan menghancurkan. Lidah bentuknya lembut karena panggilan hidupnya bukan untuk menghancurkan, tetapi merasakan. Keduanya punya tugas lain. Dengan spirit seperti inilah, sepi sunyi dalam tulisan ini mohon izin bicara.

Sejak dulu, pencinta sepi selalu tidak banyak. 0rang yang bertapa di kesunyian selalu lebih sedikit dibanding mereka yang mencari di keramaian. Keduanya bertumbuh. 0rang-orang keramaian menyukai bertumbuh ke luar (dengan ukuran kekaguman pujian orang), sedangkan pencinta kesunyian menyukai bertumbuh ke dalam. Kekaguman dan pujian orang dihindari karena penuh godaan ego.

Melihat bulan dengan lampu

Satu contoh yang amat menerangi di jalan sunyi adalah pertapa suci Ramana Maharshi. Sampai umur 16 tahun tidak ada tanda ia akan jadi pertapa. Begitu berkenalan dengan perjalanan ke dalam diri, tiba-tiba badannya panas. Ini membuatnya lari ke Bukit Arunachala. Lebih dari sekadar panasnya menghilang, ia menikmati kesunyian di tempat ini. Bahkan selama puluhan tahun menghabiskan hidup yang sepenuhnya diam.

Saat mengakhiri diamnya, Ramana menjawab pertanyaan orang secara mengagumkan hanya dengan segelintir kata. Dari situ didirikan ashram oleh banyak pengikutnya di sekitar tempat ia bertapa. Tiap kali ditanya siapa gurunya, ia menggeleng sambil bergumam, "The ultimate consciousness is the only teacher" (Kesadaran yang mahautama itulah gurunya).

Serupa dengan ini, di sejumlah perenungan dengan judul agama yang berbeda-beda, banyak murid diminta diam. Awalnya percakapan ke luar menghilang, diganti percakapan ke dalam. Akhirnya percakapan ke dalam pun menghilang. Dan yang tersisa hanya satu, yakni kesadaran. 0rang-orang yang sudah disinari cahaya kesadaran, akan bergumam, untuk melihat bulan tidak memerlukan lampu!

Kata-kata, logika, angka mirip lampu luar. Manusia membutuhkan saat gelap. Namun, dalam terang cahaya kesadaran, manusia tidak memerlukan lampu luar. Salah satu founding father kehidupan spiritual Bali (Dang Hyang Dwijendra) menulis Kakawin Dharma Sunya. Ia bertutur, jika batin yang tenang-seimbang adalah sumber keindahan. Bila sumber keindahan sudah di dalam, masihkah manusia memerlukan lampu penerang dari luar? Dalam bahasa provokatif seorang guru, "When you still have some one who can make you happy or sad, you are not a master, you are a slave!" (Jika sumber kebahagiaan/kesedihan masih dari luar, itu tandanya seseorang belum menjadi master, masih jadi budak).

Apresiasi akan sepi memang bukan monopoli Bali. Lama Surya Das (Awakening the Buddha Within) pernah menulis bahwa puncak perjalanan menemukan perkataan yang benar adalah hening. Eckhart Tolle (Stillness Speaks) juga serupa, "wisdom comes with the ability to be still. Just look and just listen... let stillness direct your words and actions" (Kearifan datang dari keheningan. Lihat dan dengar saja... biar keheningan yang menjadi pembimbing). Thomas Merton (Thoughts in Solitude) menambahkan, "My knowledge of myself in silence... opens out into the silence... of God" (Pengetahuan diri dalam keheningan membuka rangkaian keheningan yang berujung pada Tuhan).

J Krishnamurti (The Light in Oneself) menyarankan, meditation is absolute silence of the mind (meditasi adalah keadaan batin yang sepenuhnya hening). Dainin Katagiri (Returning to Silence) menulis, Shakyamuni is some one who practice tranquil silence (Siapa saja yang mempraktikkan kesempurnaan keheningan, ia menjadi Buddha). Murid-murid Zen yang perjalanannya suka menekuni latihan silent illumination. Penyair sufi Rumi bertumbuh jauh dalam sepi. Perhatikan salah satu syairnya (The Rumi Collections): when you know your own definition, flee from it, that you may attain to the 0ne who cannot be defined (Saat Anda dipagari kata-kata, cepat-cepatlah menjauh. Ia menghalangi mencapai yang Satu yang tidak terucapkan).

Dengan cerita ini, terlihat banyak manusia yang terterangi rapi oleh sepi sunyi. Ia melewati banyak sekat tradisi. Dari Sufi, Nasrani, Buddha, sampai Hindu. Jenis manusia-manusia ini memiliki pola pertumbuhan serupa. Logika dan kata-kata ibarat kulit dan batok kelapa. Di awal manusia membutuhkan. Namun, begitu dikupas dan dibuka, kelapa dimakan, airnya diminum, kulit dan batoknya dibuang.

Mikhail Naimy (The Book of Mirdad) lebih terang lagi. Kata, logika serupa tongkat, berguna bagi mereka yang kakinya bermasalah. Bagi jiwa yang kakinya sehat, tongkat hanya beban. Lebih-lebih jiwa yang bisa terbang, tongkat adalah beban berat.
Oleh : Gede Prama

Monday, April 13, 2009

Kegundahan Kita Akan Masa Depan

Hari Baru!

Ketika kecil dulu, kita ditanya; `kalau sudah besar, kamu mau jadi apa?' Dan setelah kita besar, kita menanyakan hal yang sama kepada para anak kecil. Namun sebenarnya, orang dewasa seperti kita ini pun masih mengajukan pertanyaan itu kepada diri sendiri. Hanya saja, dia sudah berubah bunyi menjadi; `besok saya akan menjadi apa?'. Mungkin kita merasa sudah memiliki jawaban itu. Mungkin juga tidak. Yang jelas, orang-orang yang rajin merenung tidak pernah berhenti menanyai diri sendiri dengan sejumlah pertanyaan seperti itu. Apakah Anda juga mengalami hal itu?

Seyogyanya, memang pertanyaan-pertanya an itu terus hidup dalam diri kita untuk memastikan bahwa proses pendewasaan diri ini tidak berhenti. Mengapa mesti begitu? Karena, kita percaya bahwa ciri hidup adalah terus berjalannya proses pendewasaan diri. Sehingga, kita tidak terburu-buru mengklaim diri sebagai manusia yang sudah mencapai kedewasaan yang sempurna.

Akan tetapi, kadang-kadang pertanyaan itu lebih beraroma kegundahan daripada berirama perjalanan menuju kedewasaan. Kita sering merasa gundah dengan masa depan. Lantas bertanya-tanya; akan menjadi seperti apakah masa depan kita gerangan? Jika kita seorang karyawan, kita bertanya; "Apa yang akan terjadi setelah saya memasuki masa pensiun nanti?" Bahkan tak jarang pertanyaan itu bergegas menjadi;"Apakah saya bisa lolos dari gelombang PHK ini?"

Para pengusaha dan pekerja mandiri pun tidak kurang gundah. Dan mereka bertanya;"Apakah masih ada peluang bagi usaha saya sepuluh tahun lagi?" Bahkan tak jarang pertanyaan itu bergegas menjadi; "Apakah bulan depan saya masih akan mendapatkan order lagi?".

Pendek kata, semakin jauh kita memandang kedepan, semakin samar gambaran yang bisa kita temukan. Bahkan, dalam situasi yang tidak menentu seperti saat ini; masa depan yang dekat pun menjadi tidak terlampau jelas terlihat.

Sore itu, layar pesawat televisi saya dirubungi begitu banyak semut. Sehingga, gambarnya menjadi tidak kelihatan. Setelah channel dan kabelnya diotak-atik pun semut-semut itu tidak hendak beranjak pergi. Namun, ketika saya melihat keatas genteng, ternyata posisi antenna TV itu sudah bergeser; hingga arahnya berlawanan dengan posisi selama ini. Ajaibnya, ketika arah antenna itu diperbaiki; seketika itu juga para semut elektronik itu kabur menyisakan tampilan layar kaca yang jelas, jernih, lagi bening.

Saya tercenung sejenak dan bertanya dalam hati; mungkinkah masa depan manusia juga memiliki sifat sedemikian? Maksud saya, mungkinkah kita bisa melihat masa depan dengan lebih jernih seperti gambar pada pesawat televisi itu kini? Antenna itu memberi saya inspirasi bahwa masa depan kita juga bisa menjadi lebih cerah dan lebih indah seandainya kita bisa memposisikan antenna diri kita kearah yang tepat. Hari itu, hati saya kembali lega. Karena ternyata; kesuraman gambaran masa depan ini disebabkan karena kita tidak mengarahkan antenna jiwa kita kearah yang tepat. Seandainya kita mengarahkan antenna itu kearah yang seharusnya; mungkin kita bisa terhindar dari gambar samar itu.

Pertanyaannya adalah; perangkat seperti apakah yang bisa kita gunakan untuk menjadi antenna bagi diri kita? Otak dengan daya pikir yang kita milikikah? Mungkin. Sebab, selama ini sudah terbukti otak mampu menyelamatkan kita dari berbagai krisis yang kita hadapi. Otak juga mempunyai kemampuan analisis yang begitu tinggi sehingga kita bisa memprediksi masa depan. Membuat rencana-rencana strategis jangka panjang. Dan, mengkalkulasikan resiko-resiko yang mungkin menghadang selama dalam perjalanan.

Tapi hey, ada banyak bukti sifat destruktif ketika kita terlampau banyak mengandalkan otak. Hitung-hitungan matematis yang dihasilkannya sering melupakan aspek kemanusiaan dan keadilan. Bahkan, tak jarang otak menasihatkan untuk melakukan sesuatu `for whatever it takes…..'. Oleh karena itu, otak tidak terlampau peduli jika tindakan yang kita lakukan merugikan orang lain. Atau melanggar aturan. Atau mengesampingkan nilai-nilai kesusilaan. Kalau begitu, mungkin bukan otak yang bisa menjadi antenna kita.

Lantas apa? Adakah `sesuatu' yang bisa menyeimbangkan kinerja otak dalam diri kita? Mungkin kita ingat bahwa ketika otak mengatakan sesuatu, hati kita berkata; "tunggu dulu, itu bukan tindakan yang baik…." Jika demikian, mungkinkah hati yang bisa menjadi antenna diri kita itu? Yang jelas, kita mendengar bisikan-bisikan suci melalui telinga batin didalam hati. Bukan dengan telinga lahir kita. Sebab, sekalipun semua orang disekeliling kita menasihatkan kebenaran, jika telingan batin kita tertutupi; kita hanya menganggap seruan akan bebajikan sekedar angin lalu. Yang masuk dari telinga kanan, dan keluar lagi melalui telinga kiri. Sebaliknya, sekalipun disekeliling kita berseliweran panggilan-panggilan untuk melakukan beragam kebathilan, namun ketika telinga batin kita difungsikan; kita masih bisa menemukan bisik suci yang menjaga kita untuk tidak tergoda.

Jadi, mungkin memang hatilah yang bisa digunakan untuk menjadi antenna diri itu ya? Sebab, ketika hati kita bisa menangkap gelombang penghiburan yang Tuhan kirimkan, sekujur tubuh kita kemudian bisa terbebas dari segala kegundahan akan masa depan. Lalu perasaan batin kita menjadi tenang. Persis seperti yang pernah dikatakan oleh Sang Utusan; "Wahai para pemilik jiwa yang tenang. Pergilah engkau keranah kasih sayang Tuhan. Maka jadilah engkau hamba-hamba Tuhan. Dan masuklah engkau kedalam tempat terbaik yang telah Tuhan janjikan……" Semoga.

Hari Baru!
Dadang Kadarusman
http://www.dadangka darusman. com/
Business Administration & People Development
Business Talk Setiap Jumat: 06.30-07.30 di 103.4 FM Day Radio

Catatan Kaki:
Tuhan tidak mungkin mengabaikan orang-orang yang bekerja dengan bersungguh-sungguh. Sehingga wajar, jika setelah semua upaya terbaik kita ditunaikan; kita menyerahkan segala urusan kepada Tuhan.

Jika Anda membutuhkan free artikel untuk MADING di Kantor, silakan hubungi kami japri dengan subjek: "Artikel Mading" ke dkadarusman@

Monday, March 30, 2009

Stop Killing Yourself

How often do you cancel something that you really want, because the comments of others? And how often people retreat because of the "advice" you? Several times. Maybe often. That "murder" name.

To "assassin" and not as it does not need to enter the prison. But the woes of "killed" will take place throughout hidupya. Chilling? Indeed. Do not mengernyit first it seems massalah others. Perhaps, you also have to "murder" is. Or, you may be already "dead" since the week.

This is the story that has been long outstanding. Spread by Anthony Dio Martin. In the year 1933, is a beride Jerry Siegel created a superhero character. Figure this power stronger than iron, can fly and comes from another planet. Joe Shuster Jerry invites the clever paint to achieve this figure.

But, the super human picture at that time considered to be not interesting. Comics that unremitting behavior, time to run six years. Peak, when they both heard the editor requires Detective Comics comic strip. Full of spirit, both offer their comics.

Detective Comics editor of the works they laugh and say, "Wow, would not have believed the idea that comics like this. Twopenny image and behavior may not be sold." Flogging frustration throughout the six years (not only once that they be ridiculed), making them sell all the comics and the copyright to the value only USD 130. They both believe that their bad comic, it will not conduct, and indeed deserve segitu votes.

Not long after that, they are comic turns behavior so hard and worship to all. Until this day, leaders of the superhero was aired, ditevekan, with no measurable amount of merchandise. Who does not know Superman?

Siegel and Shuster poor living creatures when they are successful leaders. In the year 1975, when the United States pressing public Detective Comics, eventually they both get financial security.

Anthony Dio Martin mentions, what is spoken by Detective Comics to the Siegel and Shuster as a killer statement. Sometimes this statement killer not spoken with the specific purpose, but its impact can make other people (or you) away.

In daily life, we often actually do a series of "murders" of self. Sharp knife is a form of expression (likely) common-usual course, the kejamnya Luarbiasa.

You say: "wow, very difficult ..."
Other people say: "never, forget this finance problem. You certainly difficult, is not it? We speak other problems that make the more comfortable you are."
Sounds very kind person. Expression that makes you really had difficulty with finance problems. In fact, you just have not found the right person, which can be crystal clear with menerangkannya.

You say: "Where might I be ..."
Other people say: "I , you this problem? Later even disorganized, disorderly turvy."
Do not immediately believe the spiel on the matter of your ability. Most know what you can is the self. Replace the words "may not" with "can not". If you are interested in a particular problem, learn it. Let other people "bark".

You say: "I kan, weak in the field ..."
Other people say, "Son why IPS, like astronomy speak problem. You just, more cock ngomongin economy."
Once again, no one shall have the right to determine what is weak in the field. Said History graduate who may know only a matter of history? Not possible, he is also the basic principles of Physics and menyenanginya, eh? So, do not say weak, and do not mengiyakan the alleged weakness of the top people.

You say: "Why do I never can't Reviews?"
Other people say: "You need extra effort can be hard to have a novel. Enggak comfortable writing you read."
Now all the writing. The number of blogs have jutaaan. That is, it is also the author of the virtual world. Certainly more. Are all professional? No. Are all talented? Absolutely no. But, where there is want, there can have.
There is no IM in the world. All necessary process. Today, any posts you may be uncomfortable to read. Memangnya there is no tomorrow? And the day after tomorrow? Kejarlah you dream to be a writer, and make a novel. Make other people staring.

Start today, do not lecehkan another person, let alone themselves. No need to have a "dead" today. Also tomorrow later. Happy to make it big!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

History of Names in Hantu Indonesia

Indonesian country is the number one most rich ethnic & cultural, ethnic & cultural diversity is delivered many familiar, customary, and understanding the different, the difference is also that which makes indonesian also often known by the name of the country with the number one ranking with the name of diversity in each type of ghost regions. following a short story in the bogeyman indonesian

Hantu Sundel perforated

Sundel perforated ghost myth in Indonesia described the woman and the long long bergaun white. There is also described precisely in the formation of a few closed-back hair so long organs of the body visible stomach. Dimitoskan ghost sundel perforated raped and died from the birth of her son in the grave. Usually perforated sundel also like to be told to take the babies just born.

This is a very strong manifestation described in the annual horror movie Indonesia where an 80-lot diperankan by veteran actress Suzanna.

nah he is the picture

Hantu Genderuwo

Genderuwo is being fine the shape of human large and well-knit with a thick hair covering the body. Genderuwo known in the community, especially in Java Island (Sunda people call "gandaruwo" and the Javanese call "gendruwo"). Habitat housing is kegemarannya large shade trees or corners of the dark and humid. This being reported can communicate with humans and can also be like men. The stories mentioned the mystery genderuwo if penampakan himself can change the physical shape someone. According to the story, just genderuwo pairs can menghamili men and women, even the offspring of that relationship.

Origins genderuwo said comes from the soul of the dead would not rise to the Hereafter.

Genderuwo can not be seen by ordinary people but at the time appeared certain he can feel himself when disturbed.

I just picture illustration duank yakk ..

Hantu Wewegombel

Wewe Gombel is a term in the tradition, which means evil spirit or ghost that like to steal children, but not mencelakainya. It seems that children are usually stolen children ditelantarkan and ignored by their parents. Wewe Gombel will usually menakut-nakuti parents on the child and attitudes to treatment, until they realize their children. when they have been aware, Wewe Gombel will return to his son.

According to the story, Wewe Gombel is the spirit of a woman who died suicide because people are killed because of her husband. Events that occur after the woman's husband with another woman berselingkuh. The husband do it because his wife can not give children the very diharapkannya. Finally he dijauhi ago her husband and the doghouse to be excommunicated and go mad gembel.

Wewe gombel called because the incident occurred in the area Gombel, Semarang. If we drive from the direction towards jatingaleh Banyumanik, it will show the former star of beer ads. Situlah perhaps lie in the location wewe gombel are. Some people said that this location is the location of the kingdom of ghost. According to the story, she also, this is the cause of a hotel located in the location in the hills gombel become bankrupt.

characteristics of hollow wewegombel or wewe this is the fruit of a large chest & menjumbai such as papaya fruit. Other newspapers said that the children be stolen by wewegombel will be eating Tai, Tokai, or we call it with human faeces. If the child does not want, then the child will be forced to chase suapin by force. Sometimes children will be stolen dihalusinasi Eek so that he seems to see is the most delicious food he like / want. the aim is to make children become silent in order not to be told what has he or natural form of wewegombel that is horrific.

nah he is the picture

Hantu Kuntilanak

Kuntilanak (Malay: puntianak, Pontianak) is a ghost that is derived from pregnant women who died or the woman who died because of childbirth and the child has not yet had time of birth. The name "Kuntilanak" or "Pontianak" most likely comes from the combination of the word "pregnant" (pregnant) and "children".

Pontianak city got its name because it seems Abdurrahman Alkadrie, founder of Sultanate of Pontianak, ghost disturbed when this will determine the place of the palace.

Folklor in Malay, Kuntilanak figures depicted in the form of a beautiful woman who perforated back. Kuntilanak described meneror happy villagers to respond to demand. Kuntilanak always appear when accompanied fragrant flowers cambodia. They say men are not careful can be killed after Kuntilanak change shape into penghisap blood. Kuntilanak also happy to eat babies and harm pregnant women.

In the story and eerie horror movie on television Malaysia, Kuntilanak described how the murder victim suck blood in the cervix, such as vampir.

Quite different from the picture according to Malay tradition, the tradition Kuntilanak Sunda not have a hole in the back and only with the penampakan only. Type that has a hole in the back as mentioned above description sundel air. Kuntilanak also seems like a certain tree as a place to "sit", for example, that grows waru inclined to side (popular called "waru inclined").

Spirituality penangkalan

Based on the beliefs and traditions of the community, and will not disrupt Kuntilanak pregnant women if the women are always carrying nails, knives, scissors, and when traveling anywhere. This often causes the habit put scissors, needle and a knife near the crib.

According to the Malay community of belief, sharp objects such as nails can avert attacks Kuntilanak. When Kuntilanak attack, drawing ditancapkan in the hole on the back of the neck Kuntilanak. Meanwhile, trust in other people of Indonesia, the location to drive in nails can be shifted to the top of the crown Kuntilanak.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Soeharno Lan, who is Sopir now Got Pabrik Aki ???

[Wednesday, 18 March 2009]

Lan Soeharno look very primitive. When found, he was only light blue shirt with a brown cloth trousers. There is no luxury accessories attached at the body. Not impressive at all that he is one of the battery factory owners in the area Rungkut Industry.

Where the home is not gedongan. Although able to buy luxury homes in the area elite, with his wife, male birth incantation Rogo, Banyuwangi, 7 August 1929 that more choose to live in a small old-style house in the Netherlands Praban Kulon. "House bring luck," he said. "In addition, if want to close any. There are shopping malls, markets, and place my daily calisthenics. So lazy to change," augment him.

Financially, Soeharno far short of the word. To achieve that, he confessed a life truly from the bottom. Before founding the factory, he was a driver oplet. "In fact, my father have to buy a business selling textiles. But, I'm not interested to continue the business. Nyopir I am pleased," said father of four children are.

With installments, Soeharno buy a oplet. Thanks to the persistence time in two years, he can buy two vehicles is common. One person runs, one disopiri own.

One day, people have serombongan charter opletnya to go to the night market. On the way, suddenly oplet the strike. Soeharno confused. He is blind concerning the car engine. Are known, the people who charter the rage.

I can not repair itself, Soeharno ago to go to the home mechanic with the gig. Basic apes, a mechanic was less pleased with his arrival in the night is already late. "Montirnya the end I want to get oplet the strike, but while ngamuk-ngamuk. Correct me shit. Dimarahi night person twice," kenangnya.

Above suggestion that a mechanic, esoknya Soeharno aki oplet bring to workshop. In fact, the battery should be replaced new. But, that he can not do. The grandfather of ten grandchildren do not have enough money. "The only way though oplet road again, I must betulkan own," he said.

Soeharno then learn all about the car engine and battery. The self-taught, he adds insight to the reading. The result is not disappointing. Opletnya can run with the battery that is already diperbaikinya.

In the 1956 Soeharno with his wife to move to Surabaya. Metropolis in this business he opened a store spare part of vehicles. Ability mengotak especial aki start to crawl engine. He also purchased two antique cars. Engine both raft with him a new one. "In fact, there are people who are interested to buy. I sell and the money used for business development," said the man who never wander to Jakarta and a tire business in the capital city.

Grandfather started the business assembly built Soeharno in 1970. Initially, he only improve aki-aki bekas acquired from flea markets. Many satisfied customers. So, he presume to follow a tender. Unfortunately, he can not meet the requested target time. Once the deadline, the order of 600 battery assembly, he was only able to complete the 500 units. "No I'm not able to. But, difficult to get the battery empty. Molor opportunity, but also finally met the demand," said he.

Above suggestion a friend, Soeharno then go to Taiwan. There, she learned a lot of battery problems. In 1978 men who love to play the harmonic buy land to build a battery factory. "Time is still the only one in Surabaya. If there are other factory, the only branch of the foreign country," he was emphatic.

Since then his business thrive. 75 percent of man-made battery manufacturer at this time produced for export and 25 percent fill the local market. Battery production has penetrated to some areas, such as Saudi Arabia, Africa, New Zealand, Australia, Fiji Islands, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. "In accordance with the appeal to the president bring in more income, I only focus on exports," he said then smiled. (war / Ayi)

About Soeharno Lan

Born: Rogo incantation, Banyuwangi, 7 August 1929

Wife: Sri Soeharni (78)

Children: Bambang Soeyono (59)

Dr Bambang Soegiyanto SPB (57)

Bambang Soewarno (54)

Ir Bambang Soewadji (52)

Grandchildren: 10

Great-grandchild: 13

Got a call from Mr. Ateng original name Lim Sin Teng-Meng.

Favorite food: know, tempe, and soy sauce.

Hobbies: blowing harmonic, acrobatics, and up used car.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Bowlful white rice

Based on True Story

On an evening twenty years ago, there is a youth
that seems like a student traverse down the
front of a fast food restaurant in the metropolitan city, waiting
to guests in the restaurant is quite quiet, with nature and the shrink
timid to enter him in the restaurant. "I served my
bowlful of white rice. "
With the flag say to the young owner of this restaurant.

A pair of young couple eating house owner, consider this young man
just ask bowlful of white rice and side dish does not order anything, and
serve bowlful of white rice for him.

When young people receive this, and white rice are said to pay the
slowly, "can flush a little sauce over the vegetables in my rice."

House owner's wife said with a smile: "Take only what
you like, do not have to pay! "

Before eating out, this young man thought: "free vegetable sauce." Then
book a bowlful of white rice again.
"Bowlful not enough young people, this time I will give more
more rice. "With friendly smiles restaurant owner said
to this youth. But the youth replied, "No, I will bring
home, tomorrow will be brought to school as my lunch! "

Hear the words of this youth, restaurant owners think this young man
of poor families from outside the city, demand for science came
to the city, looking for money for the school itself, the difficulties in the financial
to be sure. Thinking there until the owners put the restaurant ago
a piece of meat and eggs are hidden under the rice, then
enwrap rice is seen only a glimpse sebungkus white rice
and give this young man.

See deeds, his wife knew her husband are helping
This young man, only he does not understand why the meat and eggs
hidden under the rice? Her husband then membisik to him:
"If we see this young man put in the side dish of rice, he would feel
that we give charity to him, his price will shoulder another
times he will not come again, if he just buy another ketempat bowlful
white rice, which is nutrition for the school. "

"You really kind of you, people are still helping to keep prices
himself. "

"If I is not good, whether you will be istriku?" Pair
This young couple was happy to help other people.

"Thank you, I have finished eating." This youth farewell to them.
When he was taking a pack of rice, he saw the body to reverse
with the view of grateful to them.

"Tomorrow come around again, you should still vibrant!" He said while
wave, in a word meant to invite the youth is tomorrow
do not shrink from coming again.

This pair of young eyes glisten compassionate, starting at the time each
youth this afternoon to stop by their house to eat, same as any ordinary
only eat bowlful of white rice and bring home sebungkus
stock for the next day. To be sure the rice is brought home every
day there is a hidden side dish is different every day, until the youth
this conclusion, for 20 years this young man did not appear again.

One day, when the husband is already over the age of 50 years,
government to fly home a letter that they must eat
digusur, suddenly lost their livelihoods and their children remember
the disekolahkan abroad who need to charge every couple months to make this
embrace with the crying panic.

At this time a young man who entered the clothing brand
it seems like the director's office bonafid.
"How are you? I was deputy director of a company, I
be governed by the director we invite you to open a diner in
our company, our company has provided all of them, you only
need to bring the chef and expertise to it, the benefits will be divided
2 with the company. "

"Who is the director of the company you?, Why so good to
we? I do not remember a man who knew so glorious! "pair
couple this with a great saying.

"You are good friends and helpers in our directors, our director
most like to eat eggs, and jerked meat is made, only that I
know, that after you meet her you can ask him. "

Finally, youth who only eat white rice bowlful this appears,
after digging for 20 years finally this young man can
kerajaaan build the business and is now a director of the
success for the kingdom business.

He felt at the time of this success is thanks to support a pair of husband
wife, if they do not help him he might not be able to
complete the course and become as successful as now.

After talked, husband and wife want to leave this farewell

This young man standing from a chair with the bow and Director
in-in said to them: "I flushed! At a later
company depends on you, to meet tomorrow! "

Kindness and forever indebted to reply in the life of man is
it is the most beautiful and melt.

Compassionate? Get started ........ & please feel free to do good

You never know ... what will happens tomorrow.

Myrna Sawitri

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Sunday, March 15, 2009

Article: the strength of reason and Gentleness Exercise

New Day!

What distinguishes the human being with others? We say, 'intellect'. Humans have the intellect, while the other is not sentient. That is why people can claim themselves as being the most perfect of God. For, with the understand that people can do so many things that can not be a cat, rabbit, or jasmine. Unfortunately, not all of which can be used for the human good fellow. Because in reality, our intellect are often used to 'mengakal-akali' way to do anything for the sake of a few individuals or groups. Therefore, many of the bitter fruits of man's intellect. Thus, to be the 'perfect being' like klaimnya, man must have other tools. So that the intellect can understand offset by wisdom from within himself. Whatever tools are?

Occasionally, we need to pay attention to the turtle. A turtle that would surely be running out of his head in tempurungnya. And this is a hint that a turtle on the right that we must use our head aka the brain and intellect that we thought we could do this and that. Without the head we can not build a copyrighted work of any kind. For, kepalalah center of all creative power of imaginative menusia that help produce various kinds of invention. So, we can build a civilization. That's correct.

But, let's look at the turtles that once again. In the way, he often stops. And stopped when she was over her head back into the body shell tempurungnya. Then he was silent. Whatever foreshadow this? This is a reminder for us to sign that damned the intellect, that, occasionally we have to attract the power of intellect to the back of the screen. Then juxtapose the kedada where we sit in the ordinary things that we as a conscience. For, the word tortoise 'conscience that will help lead us rationally thinking'.

When the intellect is running alone, then we thought the results would only be a process of exploration and exploitation on the benefits, convenience, comfort and things like that. What are the others? Intellect is not unduly concerned, because its main function is to make our lives easier and more beautiful. Concerning another person or subject to indemnification by the rule-principle dihasilkannya, is another matter. That is why many people are doing without regard to moral, environmental, or the interests of others. Other people for their land is to be exploited. That is also the reason why many people do not care about the interests of the neighbors only to meet the interests of his family home and quite. Neighbors for them is the object that can be sacrificed for the sake of himself.

Turtle said, "Stop a moment's outrageously preposterous you use. And occasionally Invite yourself to berkontemplasi the conscience."

Incredible once. When someone follows the advice spleen, it appeared that he found that the intellect is not everything. Thus the person who unduly use intellect will never be successful sentient perfect. Because, human perfection is obtained from the use of the balance between intellect and heart. When someone uses only the heart, he was a good person who is less productive. And when someone is only using the intellect, then he will become a very competitive person destruktif. But, when someone using the intellect and heart in a blend harmony, he was a people who uphold the high values of humanity itself.

And once startling, because when he hatinyalah combine all the works to be copyrighted maslahat understand not only for himself. But for other people. When the larger scope of influence, the broad positive impact. So, perhaps a later time, he can contribute to the interests of all mankind. Because, rationally sophistication pikirannya offset by consideration for the conscience kemaslahatan together. Not just private interests. For, reason and the heart is like two pieces of currency that can not be separated. Without intellect, the heart can not live enough. And without the heart, intellect often create damage. Meanwhile, with the intellect and heart, we can contribute to each other.

New Day!
Dadang Kadarusman
http://www.dadangka darusman. com /
Business Administration & People Development
Business Talk Every Friday: 06.30-07.30 on 103.4 FM Radio Day

Not just intellect that makes us better than another thing. Not only the heart. But both of them.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Motivation of The Day: "Who Educate These Children?"

After the wheel too long after I stop in the village of 
briefly in a restaurant. Once the food order, a son 
aged approximately 12 years appear in front of me. 

"Abang want to buy a cake?" He said with a smile. Right hand 
menyelak banana leaves that cover a cake basket jajanannya. 

"No Dik, Abang food is the message," I answered, and finally summary 
he passed away. 

The order arrived, I enjoy them. Is the 20 minutes and then 
I see children earlier about other potential buyers. I see him 
about a pair of husband and wife. They also reject the bid of children, 
and so he passed it. 

"Abang have to eat, did not want me to buy a cake?" tanyanya calm when 
about my table again. 

"Abang new Dik finished eating, I still satisfied," said I, while 
slap repeatedly stomach. He went, but only around the restaurant. 
Until he put in there that are still full bakulnya. Each of 
ago he ask, "I want to buy cakes Bang, Pak ... sister, mother ...." Subtile 
I thought it was cultivated. 

While attention, terbersit admirable, and compassion in my heart 
gigihnya see how he tries. No visible sigh or moan 
signs of despair in himself, even people who ditemuinya 
reluctant to buy kuenya. 

After paying the price of food and drink, I continue to go to the car .. 
I open the door, sit down and fix the doors close. But have not 
I turn on the machine, before the child is standing on the side of the car. He 
smile to me. I down a glass window, and reply 

"Abang is satisfied, but may need to take Abang cake I made 
by-by for the brother-sister, mother or father's brother, "he said politely, the 
a smile. Once again he set out with a cake in the basket 
menyelak banana leaf penutupnya. 

Tatap my face, clean and homely. Terpantul feelings of pity in 
heart. So I open the wallet, and pay out money sheet Rp 20.000, -- 

"Take this Dik! Charity Abang Abang ... No need to buy the cake." I 
said heartfelt feelings of pity for the sudden increase. Son 
receive the money, then thanked running 
back to the sidewalk restaurants. I'm happy to help. . 

After I turn the car engine. I'm back. Would kagetnya 
I see children that extend Rp20.000, - giving it to me 
a blind beggar. I'm surprised, I stop the car, and call 

"Why Bang, I want to buy a cake?" tanyanya. 

"Why give money Abang younger brother earlier in the beggar? Duit that Abang 
to give younger brother! "I said without a question. 

"Bang, I can not take the money .. Emak angry if he knew I 
sponge. Emak words we must look for work because the living God. 
If he knows I take as much money home, while selling 
many, Mak definitely angry. Mak said beg people not to work 
attempt, I still strongly Bang! "he said as well. I wonder 
at once impressed with the grip of life the child. Without a lot of problems I 
continue to ask how the price of all the cakes in the basket. 

"Abang all want to buy?" he asked and I just nod. Tongue 
I want to say dumb. 

"Rp 25.000, - Bang ...." With joy he entered one by one 
kuenya in plastic, I ulurkan Rp 25.000, -. He said 
thank you and go out of my view. 

Yes Lord!. I can only wonder in the heart, women who 
the high-minded "and" educate the child?. Indeed, I 
impressed with sikapnya. He made me, who we actually .. 

originally posted by frank_jmx 

From the mailing list, make it intropeksi kita2 often err.

Monday, March 9, 2009

One More, No Warok Figure

Ponorogo - News City of mourning shroud Reyog. One again, figures warok Ponorogo, Heru Subeno Kang, died Wednesday (4 / 3) at 21:00. Figure known as the artist is sincere dimakamkan in Public Places Funeral (TPU) Tonatan, yesterday (5 / 3).

Take a funeral procession of wisdom. Feel Ponoragan very thick accompany the departure of the hearse along the way home in tears Totanatan Kelurahan, Kecamatan Ponorogo, the latest health. Family during the great figures of his life to the development of torrential art Reyog no power meneteskan tears. Not the exception of the artists reyog, they lose the people who claim to render a progress for the sake of art Reyog.

Budi Satrijo, Foundation secretary Reyog Ponorogo known close to the deceased Subeno Heru, said warok born 23 October 1958 since it is very small like the reyog. Struggle to raise art reyog be weary with toil. We boast''that he did not make other people,''he said on the sidelines of the escort to the funeral hearse.

According to him, concern and dedication Kang Heru Subeno on the development of the arts, which is now maskot Ponorogo and Indonesia, is high enough. In fact, the deceased during his life willing to continue to wrestle in the art reyog. No''both of them in totality, he reyog devote the progress that has been go international this,''explained.

Of creativity as an artist reyog, Kang Subeno Heru gave birth to monumental works. Ie warok shorts dance in a sacred dance art reyog and development Ponoragan unique dialect. Kang Heru''not only belong to Ponorogo. But all the artists and people who love to reyog,''he said. (Dip / sad)

Subeno Heru.
TTL: Madiun, 23 - 10 - 1958.
Address: Jl. Sekar Putih No. 28 Ponorogo.
Phone (0352) 485317.
Education: graduate STKW Surabaya 1984.
Experience berkesenian:
Organized dance Reog Bulk PRJ (1988),
Organized happy happy dance (1991),
Organized Edrek dance (1994),
Director of a ballet in the park Reog Candra wilwatikta (1998),
Assistant film director Suromenggolo TVRI National (2004),
Art reog ambassador to Japan (1997),
Art Reog ambassador to New Zealand (2003),
Art Reog ambassador to Taiwan (2005).


"of Success."

I'm in I see the blog itself. Children are sleeping so that "the world" has been calm enough to make me concentrate more. My wife come take a drink. Laid-cup, and interesting, and sitting in the chair next to me. One minute later he asked about the flag or sub-header in the bunyinya My blog, "I Want Your Success. I Must Make Your Success."

"What if people ask, whether Mas Sopa already successful? So with the already mengantongi license others to succeed? What's Mas?"

I turned and smiled. "I will say that I am not successful. Kesuksesanku will depend on the success of others. If other people become successful, then I will also be successful."

My wife mengernyitkan dahinya. I also play the body. Time for discussion.

Did you know that your success depends on something outside yourself? Nah lho! Sopa what this pack yet, yesterday said that there is success in itself. Jennie S. Bev said that even the successful Sayalah. Kok is now so more?

No. Others do not. This is just a matter of perspective. Let's browse, and remember that this close relationship with the mastermind concept and mind power.

Success depends on your success "things" outside of you. Something that other people can, or indeed "something" just outside there. Something outside of you can live or die thing. Basically, something is definitely outside the "you".

If your employee or employees, how you achieve success? How do I get a promotion? What you need to do to your career melejit up to the top? What you need to achieve in order to achieve success as your employees or employees?

First, you need to succeed and your job duties. Second, you need to successfully program your company or organization. Third, your boss you need to succeed. Fourth, you need to succeed your company or organization. After that, then you can be successful.

If your manager, what you need so you can be successful as a manager?

You must be the fruit your child succeed.

If you are a teacher, lecturer, trainer, coach, mentor, motivator or what you need so you can be successful as a professional in the fields of that?

You must succeed student, students, and your trainee. When they come out of the classroom, they need to feel successful, not you. After that, then you can be called as a constructor and a successful educator.

If you who produce shoes, what you need so you can be referred to as the successful businessman?

You need to succeed your shoes, so that a choice of shoes. Shoes that are interested, tune, search for, and purchased. If that is successfully achieved, then you called it a successful businessman.

If you are the seller meatball? Yes you need to succeed meatball you first, then you can be referred to as a successful trader meatball.

If you are the author? You must make your book a success, for example, with a best seller. Then in the back, you will be called a successful author.

If your citrus fruit farmers?

First you need to succeed citrus seedlings you to continue to survive and safe from all diseases and pests. Second, you must mensukseskannya to bear fruit. Third, you need to mensukseskannya can stand up to cooking in a tree so that its quality is good. In fact, you also must succeed in order to taste sweet and fresh. Then, you need to succeed sales. Already? Yet! You must also chew mensukseskannya that each consumer can leave the former success. Then you called a successful farmer.

Yes. Success depends on the success of the other things outside of yourself.

You will be able to find out whether you will be successful or not, if you can predict success or not something outside you.

So, if you feel waspadalah not be in office for a comfortable with your boss. That's a sign that you are not successful in its place there. You, a potential success in the office as long as it "not comfortable" is still there.

Waspada lah, if you feel bored with your profession geluti. That's a sign that you will not be successful in the profession.

Waspada lah, if you can not feel the students, student, or trainee you with all the whimsy and its polah. You will not be successful as a coach and teacher.

Waspadalah, if you hate your subordinate. You will not succeed as a leader. That means, organization, and your company is also a successful future in your hands.

So how, to change profession? Moving office? Change the product? Exchange plant? Not as well.

Find an initial point is most important to your success is, that is your mindset. Find that reason and also thought you were out of "you".

If for this you think that "you" is your intellect; stop. In fact, you are a resourceful tool tool completeness aka "you". You are a user of your intellect, not vice versa.

Understand that it's your intellect, also located outside the "you". Your intellect is your instrument of humanity. So the first thing you need to do, is "succeed" reason and your mind. Then with the "you" is easier to become successful. How to succeed your mind and intellect? You know what to do.

If you are successful, you do not need to change professions or move to the office, field, or the work of others. Guaranteed, you will succeed there.

Now you can put the right, where the location based on successful examples of this concept?

"Do what you want"
"Do what you senangi"
"Comments or testimony"
"Advertising and promotions"
"Work hard"
"Human beings are social as well as individuals"
"You have to work together"
"People are both the most people the most useful"
"Heroes without decoration"

Your success, can only succeed if you create something outside you.

Yes. I wish you success. I have to make you successful. (Only with achieving that, I will achieve the success I am.)

My wife went. "Yes already. So I can sleep 'before."

This post is a mandatory part of:

"A Game of Success."

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Dare to laugh

An interesting research that says that a small child / baby laugh every day on average as much as 300 times. But rather with the adults - the age of 30, 40, 50 years - on average only laugh 15 times a day. So we experienced a decrease of 300 times the baby only to 15 times a day. What's with us?

If we renung there was a striking change from different since boyhood us. Creativity - the courage to think outside the box / habits -, wishes to see, curiosity is great - always ask what are we living in -, slowly began to dim in ourselves.

We have lost our capacity to live healthy because we lose the ability to laugh. And too many see the sadness, melancholy, disappointment in our lives.

There are interesting things, see if you have 5 people on the edge there, which is 4 and 1 person laughing is crying, who will you see?

In fact people who cry that you will see. So we should have to learn to see if there are events such as such, then we select the regard laugh and forget the crying.

Because what? Because we want to live healthy. A research shows that healthy people are those who like to laugh, love to smile and rejoice. Because life will thus become more healthy and longer age.

So make us learn to be like a child again. So that we dare to shriek with laughter on the funny or just a little funny. With a child we dare to think creative - think outside the customs people. And therefore we are ready for anything in this world with a laugh, smile and optimistic. If so would run our lives will be better in this world.


Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Tour Guide - General Information - Ponorogo

General Information
Ponorogo is at the crossroads of the roads leading to Madiun, Solo, Pacitan and Trenggalek. It supports an agricultural economy based on rice, soya beans, corn and peanuts and developing cattle and poultry industries. It also has a substantial cottage industry based on handicraft.

It is known as a seat of learning for both Islamic and General studies. 5 Universities and 25 High Schools and many Islamic boarding schools catering for the populations needs 

The name Ponorogo is derived from the words “ Pono” ( clever) and “Rogo” ( body) and the Regency is steeped in mythology ,history and tradition. 

The main local markets (produce and general) are near the city centre on the diagonally opposite corners of Jl. KH Ahmad Dahlan and Jl. Soeharto - Hatta 

4 Hospitals and numerous doctors provide medical and pharmaceutical facilities and are well able to cater for local and tourists needs. 

The people are very friendly and helpful – they don’t see too many tourists other than maybe at the major festivals of REOG and Grebeg Suro ( Islamic New Year) 

Ponorogo is located on the western edge of East Java , 200.Km to the south west of the capital of East Java, Surabaya, 180 Km east of Solo ( Surakarta) and 78 Km north of Pacitan.

The terrain is flat, easy to get around in the city and the country side and a delightful place for a stop over.

The city is bordered by mountains on three sides and a thriving agricultural economy exists from the fertile land. The surrounding villages add a pleasant ambience to Ponorogo and are a mixture of “old and new”. 

The Ponorogo Tourist Office is located on Jl. Pramuka, next to the Stadium, and opposite the swimming pool.There are Tourist Ambassadors to assist visitors and an office that is staffed by friendly, smiling, English speaking staff.A range of local publications are available and several websites are available. The English language East Java Tourism site is very useful ( An Indonesian language site is also available (, Ponorogo Biggest Online Community (

Ponorogo is well serviced by all banks, with ATMs and money changing services. Try the banks on Jl. Soekarno- Hatta for the best rates ( and friendly service). Private money changers are also along this stretch of road. 

Post & Communications 
The main Post Office is located on the corner of Jl. Soekarno –Hatta and Jl. Siberut and provides the usual range of postal facilities.Wartels are plentiful throughout the city and Internet facilities (Warnets) are also available at around Rp 4000 per hour. The numbers of Warnets are increasing and so is the access speed. The

office is located Jl. Dr. Sutomo near Jl. Soekarno- Hatta and offers the usual telecommunications facilities. Be sure that you know the access codes for accessing International Reverse Charge calls. 

Things to do and see
The tradition and history of Ponorogo is proudly presented through REOG folkloric dance that has been perpetuated for over 100 years. The focal point of the dance is a huge tiger’s head mask decorated with over 1500 peacock feathers. The mask weighs over 50Kg and is held in the mouth of a dancer who participates in an energetic acrobatic dance. At times, another dancer is often carried on the head of this dancer.This spectacular dance troupe performs on the full moon of each month of the Javanese Calendar ( of 35 days) at Aloon – Aloon , Town Square, commencing at 21:00 Hrs and at the annual REOG National Dance Contest held in the last week of the Islamic Year.The annual Grebeg Suro Festival welcomes in the Islamic New Year and also includes dancers and performers from other Indonesian Regencies.(The term REOG is derived from Resik ( clean), Endah (beauty), Omber (wide minded or democracy) and Girang-gemirang ( happy) and represents the objectives of the Ponorogo Regional Development Program.) Regular Wayang Kulit ( Shadow Puppetry) performances are held each 35 days according to the Islamic Calendar at the Aloon – Aloon Town Square, commencing at 19:30. Ponorogo also offers many traditional sites and venues for the tourist to explore throughout the city and close environs. Lake Ngebel is located in the mountains 30 minutes (18 Km) to the north –east of Ponorogo and offers a pleasant location and a developing eco-tourism. The Lake is also steeped in mythology and the 52 metre deep lake has an interesting story to tell. The Tourist Office on Jl. Pramuka can provide the tourist with an annual program of events and activities and sightseeing options. ELITE English School, Jl. Thamrin always welcomes tourists who are willing to talk with their students in the afternoons.  

Places to Stay 

Accommodation ranges from the basic to O.K. Discounts can be bargained for. Basic Rooms will probably only have cold water and fans whereas higher levels will have hot and cold water. Remember that Ponorogos tourists are mainly Indonesian travelers. Proprietors are willing to listen to foreign tourists suggestions and will try to meet them.Check the room and facilities before booking in. 

Places to stay – Budget. –( very basic)
Aman (25.000 – 35000Rp) Jl Soekarn-Hatta 115 (tel 0352 485437)
Indonesia ( 20000 – 35000 Rp) Jl. Soekarno – Hatta 206 (tel 0352 48917)
Sentrum ( 200,000 – 30,000 Rp) Jl Soekarn – Hatta 12 (tel 0352 481787)
Larasti ( 15000 – 20000 Rp) Jl Basuki Rahmad 14 (tel o352 461140) 

Places to stay – Mid-Range. 
Dirgahayayu ( (40,000 – 150, 000 Rp) Jl. Soekarno- Hatta 315 (tel 0352 481154)
SAA Nuansa ( 25000 – 75000 Rp) Jl. Sultan Agung (tel 0352 481419) 

Places to stay – Top End. 
Ponorogo Permai ( 55,000 – 220,000Rp ) Jl. Jend. Sudirman 117 (tel 461369)
Kencana Dewi ( 25,000 – 132,000 Rp) Jl. Diponegoro 40 (tel 0352 481515)
La Tiban ( 70,000 – 175,000 Rp) Jl. KH. Ahmad Dahlan 62 (tel 0352 481102)
Gajahmada ( 0,000 – 270,000 Rp) Jl. Gajahmada 56 (tel 0352 461145)  

Places to eat
Ponorogo offers a wide range of eating places ranging from Kaki limas, warungs, rumah makans offering a range of local and regional food at very reasonable prices. Be warned that Ponorogo likes its food hot and spicy!Several supermarkets and local stores and markets are also available for the self caterer. The type of food available is often dictated by the time of day. Some specialties are morning ( makan pagi), midday ( makan siang) or evening ( makan malam) and many of the warungs are absent during the day as they occupy the footpaths, that are required for pedestrians during the day! 

Rumah Makans - ( a by no means complete listing) Depot Sumatra Jl. Sultan Sultan Agung ( opposite the Hotel Saa Nuansa) is well recommended for a wide variety of cheap, quickly prepared food.Ramayan, Jl. KH Ahmad Dahlan 108Amad, Jl. MH Thamrin 61Bu Roesmin, Jl DiponegoroCitro Roso, Jl Jaksa Agung SupratoDiponegoro, Jl. DiponegoroGembira, Jl. GagahmadaLatansa Jl. Sultan Agung  

Getting there and away. The Seloaji bus terminal is located on the northern road to Madiun, about 3 Km from the centre of the city. There are many options for moving on from there ( see Getting around)Frequent buses connect to Pacitan ( South) , Madiun and Surabaya ( north), Solo ( west) , and the Trenggalek Regency, including Gunung Bromo ( east).The nearest train station ( Jogyakata – Surabaya line) is at Madiun and, Solo and Surabaya are serviced by air. Both airports service domestic and limited international destinations.Jakarta is 800 Km to the north west of Ponorogo, Surabaya is about 200 Km ( 5 hours) to the north east and Solo can be reached through Wonigiri ( 3 hrs) or Madiun ( 4 hrs).Pacitan is about 2 hrs , by a very scenic route, to the south. 
Getting around.  

The Bus station is located on the northern access road to Madiun Becaks are just waiting for passengers and are a cheap option for transportation.. Minibuses – ANGDES ( rural transport) and ANGKOT ( urban transport) service a wider region on a regular basis and both have the destinations clearly indicated. Dokars ( horse drawn buggies) ply their trade for those interested in a more leisurely pace. Because of the flat terrain, bicycles are an easy option to get around on. Hiring a motor bike is an easy alternative and traffic is very organized and the roads are mainly wide and in good condition.Transport buses range from “local” to those with a.c and reclining seats

Source :

 If you want a guide to get around Ponorogo City, please contact us Ponorogo Biggest Online Community. 

Email me: 
phone number: + 62 856 556 0262 7 

My name: Rahmat Addy (pardi) 

Thank you. 

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Waterfall Pletuk as tourism icons Ponorogo

Ponorogo - Ponorogo District does not rely solely on Telaga Ngebel to attract tourists. In the assessment of Anugerah Tour East Java in 2009, deliberately rely Ponorogo Pletuk waterfall which is located in the Village Jurug, District Sooko. 

Regions continue to been this tour as one of the very jujugan tour spellbind. Place it above a height of 450 meters above sea level and rainfall have high enough. 

Supported with the natural atmosphere temperature is relatively cool and so cool to be able to this village as a tourist destination, "Nay, if we in the more knowledge, the word is a word Pletuk hint of mystery and its meaning is in life and for life," said Gunardi , Head Office Tourism and Arts Ponorogo, yesterday (20 / 2). 

Where words can Pletuk advice dikonotasikan as noble. Ie, when associated with the history of the Village Jurug, have some advice that made by a reasonable figure or residents in the Village Jurug. 

Among sangguwo uriping danawa, sangguwo uriping king, sangguwo uriping Satriyo. And sangguwo uriping Brahmin. Meaning in life and the life we have to be clever-clever to adapt can get accepted and able to adapt to the nature in which located. 

Further,. Gunardi said diangkatnya waterfall Pletuk not only related to the enchantment waterfall only. But some aspects such as philosophy and the development and existence of the community itself will remain a consideration. 

In fact, the intensive development of special new do at the end of 2006 through the program PAMDKB activities with open access road to the location of the area waterfalls Pletuk. 

Coral communities, particularly with Taruna Perhutani make cooperation in the management of container through the Forest Village Community Institution (LMDH) "Jurug Makmur". 

Other potential hosts that can be developed in the area Pletuk, the edge of the area can be used as a means of sport rock climbing. "We have made a program development plan by Pengprov FPTI (Climbing Federation Australia) and East Java Pengcab FPTI Ponorogo," added Gunardi. 

No lag, for culinary tourists can enjoy the typical food of rice Gegog. Ie, the rice and banana leaf wrapped bothok mixed in a single package. "So have a unique taste and unique," he added. Besides such typical dragon fruit red, fruit also peruk, alpokat, mango, rambutan, mangosteen, durian also bananas. (tya / eba) 

Sources http://www. /

Friday, February 20, 2009

Kaos PonorogoZone immediate release of part 1 ....

Design a T-shirt for PonorogoZone. 

Given the pesenan continue to ask that, when a T-shirt PonorogoZone release? 

nah, this shirt will be in print. Released early March. 

There are 3 color T-shirt, red, black and white. 
Kaos catton. 

Price Rp. 45.000,00 
(not including postage) 
Packages outside of the city using Tiki. 

Interested please contact me at 0352-7139603 (pardi) 
or reply in this topic. 

Booking is open!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

About Ghana a success! !

Success is simple,
success does not have a relationship with a rich, success is not
serumit / serahasia words such as Kiyosaki / tung desem Waringin / the secret,
success that does not need to be pursued, is SUKSES We .. because the success
The biggest is on the self ... We own

How do we create a race of millions of sperm to fertilize 1
ovum, is the first success we!

How can we born with a perfect body without a disability, it is
success ... We are both

To school when we can even enjoy the S1 studies, at each minute
there are 10 students drop out because they were not able to pay fees, that is the success we
third ...

When we can work in the company's Golden Triangle, at 46
million people become unemployed, that is success ... We are the fourth

When We can still eat three times a day, at 3 million people have
die of hunger each month that is the success of We the fifth ...

When We can still play with the children and the husband / wife We,

at many of the more important job than the family

We are to the success of that six ...

Success happens every day, but we did not realize it. ..

Success always dibiaskan books in demand by the author that his book can
perennially best seller so by making a successful case of complex
and difficult to get .. . Although the actual success is often obtained.

Success is not solely a matter of wealth, luxury homes, sports cars, Rolex hours,
pension young, become entrepreneurs, have a swimming pool / helicopter, have a wife
such as Donald Trump beautiful & luxurious resorts in the Caribbean ...

Success is love & pride themselves on their own We, the
We like that anytime and anywhere ....

Success is living with sincere gratitude for all of God's mercy,
that success is bred to enjoy & be grateful for any second life
We are, We are excited at the time, we completely happy, while at the time
We are sad, we completely sad, then we should be ready
again facing a new episode again.

Success is bred in the way of true living God, live well, do not deceive,
righteous & always humble, Success is no longer want the property
rather than poverty, no more pain rather than curing,
unmitigated success is to accept fully the advantages and disadvantages
We as-is with full gratitude.

We have realized?

We do not actually buy an item with money, money is just a tool
exchange, we actually buy the house from the time we.

Yes, we may have to work day and night to pay for KPR for 15 years or
buy a car / motorcycle loans for 3 years. That's all we actually get
We membarter of time, we sell the time of the morning until we night
to the highest bidder to get the money to be able to buy food,
free phone etc. ...

We are not the biggest asset the house / car We, ourselves, but we own, That
the reason why smart people can be paid many times from people
stupid ... We value the self, the more people want to buy an expensive time
We ...

That is why the price of 2 hours Kiyosaki talk Ngalor ngidul in
seminars can be paid 200 million, or 2 hour seminar price Pak Tung can
reach 100 million!

That is why the Nike pay Tiger Woods & Michael Jordan
of 200 million dollars, just to wear Nike products. A product
bermerk be expensive / valuable not because of its brand, but because the product
page used by anyone ...

That's why the former basketball Michael Jordan diperebutkan, can
sold 80 million dollars, while the former basketball brand with the same, when
our selling price is going down even ...

Funny how life is,
Funny when we read any posts after the above, however we are still pursuing
fatamorgana is rather the time we spend precious
sungkem same for the parents so that we love, warm hug
We live pair, tease us with the children, said: "I love you"

to the families that we love.

We do this while still have time, while we still had time,
We never know when we will die, probably tomorrow morning,
may be later tonight, is so SHORT LIFE.

Take more time for hobbies we do, whether the play
football, fishing, watching the movie, favorite food we eat, gardening,
play chess, or berkaraoke .. .

Thursday, February 12, 2009

The Sense of Kepepet

YOU just the sack from your job? If you have a goal so employers - do not want to pay people so forever - then you have reason to be grateful. For, this is the time you have a great time to start your business. 

Ten years ago, a patient Jaya Setiabudi not wait sack. He was himself the sack just four working days a year, and that is the first job after graduating college. He is a dream to become a strong businessman. He believed the friends who never says that he has the characteristics employers. What are the characteristics? 1. Do not like to wake up early 2. Do not like to be paid from hand to mouth; 3. dimarahi boss does not like. 

Thus, the new entrepreneurs start business itupun first. Capital money is not much, only 4.5 million savings. But he has another capital: network Pertemanan (he took the spare parts business, the trust suppliers of goods (he worked in the purchase and he would never be corrupted or play on a receipt), and The Sense of trapped! Jaya was calling his father that he is ready. Ready to do? Ready to go bankrupt, and he really is ready three months later when he experienced the first bangkrutnya! 

Jaya Berhentikah after the bankruptcy? No. Indeed, it can be concluded that loss, gullible, the wall is a vitamin that makes the resistance banting. He already proved that. Efforts to develop, advance, and chop a variety of areas. 

I believe that failure is the food required. There is a study of four young American millionaire who achieve success in the age of 35 years, a very young age. Their average of seventeen engage in business before finding a business that can bring them to the peak of success. Note that: seventeen TIMES! You can read the story in a book, Failing Forward John C. Maxwell. "They continue to try and find something to replace the klop for them," said Maxwell. 

Surely not a failure of the search. Not that the failure to make proud. But, never a failure of fear to keep trying. I believe, if we try then two possibilities: to fail or succeed. That's certainly better than not to try because there is no possibility, except one thing: we sure do not. How would succeed, if it does not try! 


Not all employers like Jaya. He has the spirit to share. He believed that the spirit and the dream became entrepreuner alias must be transmitted. To me he never said that this lack of entrepreneurs, not to zero the percentage of the coma. In fact, he quoted Ciputra, should be four percent of the population of a country should be moving if the economy as a businessman want to delay the country. 

Jaya does not stay silent. For those who call themselves as a provocateur entrepreuner - I think this is a very suitable for him - he makes a variety of forums for the beginners meeting, the name Entrepreuner Ascosiation (EA). I never follow one of the meetings. A meeting which is very empowering and transmit enthusiasm to become entrepreneurs respite. First place is always moved. Usually chosen place of business one of the members. In the meeting that it is very possible business cooperation-cooperation (my time is given once a business card for sablon plastic packaging), joint venture capital, and help each other solve the impasse business, as well as stories from mencerahkan steps business members who have taken EA and successful. Things outside of business by the person who solved berkompeten. If there are new tax rules, then invited people from the Tax Office. I do not know whether Kadin, APINDO or other business associations have to do such things. 

"What is certain now many members and so EA is drawn so that other members of the association," said Jaya, to me one day. That means, provocation Jaya successful. And the only quiet, as the provocateur he is not running out to provoke the intellect as much as possible. End of years ago a book published by Gramedia Publisher. This is the moment new spirit of trying to transmit it. Arouse a book entitled: THE POWER OF trapped! 

I had to follow the birth of the book since the prin-prinan. My consultant did not become a kind of official recognition of the book, special entries - ah more appropriate Jaya reinforce the idea itself - about how the illustrations will be added. Jaya is a fact already know how the book would be translated. We involve Dalbo - Batam Post cartoonist - to use ilustrasinya. Jaya who have a good sense of art (note the cover of a book bak movie posters, this is he and his team who have their own ideas) is very like the cartoons tug Dalbo. 


Stories on the more I write the introduction to Jaya's 116 page book on this. Not thick. But I guarantee the content is a move, and of reading is not enough. "Reading this book," Jaya said, "will not change your life. But, you must mempraktikkannya ... "Yes, so it should be. Senada with the title, I would conclude that what is transmitted Jaya Sense of trapped. That is the trust that he can be a most powerful motivator to encourage people to become successful entrepreneurs. If you are not trapped, then you must make as if you are trapped. 

Sentence-sentence Jaya in this book because it sugestif write directly from the experience. Men born in Semarang in 1973 this record have a knock Rp1, 8 billion at the age of 31 years. Think, it is concerned that the situation really is not concerned? Just like when he diwisuda as a bankrupt businessman first, he would not stop, turn it rationally. Work again? Or search for more investors? The first option is clearly not interesting for him, although in fact it is very easy to get. That step backwards. If it is select it, I hakkulyakin, sixth child of seven brothers will not have this company as seven at this time. Ten years after he sack himself, any business away from the light steel construction industry, a distributor of spare parts, network retail store food and drink, entrepreneurial consultant, consultant to the retail business. 

So, you can pray that your company does not expel you. 2009 was a year of weight. Singapore only foster the growth target minus 2.5 percent, due to the economic crisis in the United States. Slack, order down. And remember, 70 export companies in Batam objective is Singapore. That means the dismissal is not avoided. However, if you sack it, do not lament. This means that your opportunities to fly bak spring. You surely know the spring, right? If not dipepet, when not pressed, the spring will not stretch and that was the cause regangan thrust. Tuing! Melentinglah! 

PHK letter, I think you can read as a letter of notification that you received by the business world as entrepreneurs. Do not consider it as the trumpet of Resurrection trompet your life. And do not forget to read the book The Power of the trapped until I write the article is printed three times, 13 thousand copies have been terbeli, and is certainly more than the number of people who are contagious passion entrepreneuship Jaya. In the book there is an e-mail address is, its web site, also the phone number selularnya. Far as one I, as a provocateur Jaya very stingy for not science. *** 

Thursday, February 12, 2009 

By: Hasan Aspahani 
Chief Editor Batam Pos